About OSSO


We are OSSO. We are open source minded and security aware. Here’s a listing of our team. Below it is a listing of roles, in case you need to contact someone specifically.


Herman Bos

Herman Bos

Point of contact for sales, finance, and management related matters. Operations team. Specialisations: High availability architecture, host based security, information security, networking. Supports customers getting to the right solutions in infrastructure design.

Walter Doekes

Walter Doekes

Point of contact for open source projects and GDPR related matters as our Data protection officer. Also wears the technical half of the Security Officer hat. Specialisations: Software Engineering, VoIP, inner work^H^H^H^Hfeelings of relational databases, when things get low level and complex.

Harm Geerts

Harm Geerts

Software Engineering. Mostly internal projects such as tooling and integration. Specialisation: Software Engineering and System Engineering, and digging up the Right Fix instead of simply *what works.*

Alex Boonstra

Alex Boonstra

Operations team. SRE lead. Lead on development such as Managed Kubernetes and IaaS components. Specialisation: System Engineering, Software Engineering, Kubernetes.

Jordi de Wal

Jordi de Wal

Operations team. Specialises in smooth upgrade processes, Ansible automation, writing exhaustive reports, blackout scenario restores, and being a team player.

Rona Sturing

Rona Sturing

Guardian of Accreditation. Wears the other half of the Security hat. Handles accreditation and compliance or makes sure that her colleagues do the necessary paperwork. Also in team HRM and office management. Does not know the difference between TCP and UDP (yet), but we love her nonetheless.

Robin Kuper

Robin Kuper

First point of contact for many customers and a key member of the operations team. Has joined Jordi in team Happy Customer. Maintains an unexplained affinity for Sweden.

Seppe Lucas

Seppe Lucas

Operations team, software engineering, and aspiring problem solver. Enthusiastic and eager to learn, Seppe thrives on tackling new challenges and diving headfirst into tasks. Passionate about Saab cars and mechanical tinkering, he brings the same curiosity and drive to SRE and in-house software projects.

Emilia van der Ploeg

Emilia van der Ploeg

The youngest in the team. Approaches every task with a smile and a fresh perspective. Specialisations include server maintenance and network engineering. Her energy and positivity are already making a strong impression. Rumour has it she has a home lab bigger than the rest of ours combined.


Sales, Technical Info, Anything

Just call us, at +31 (0)50 210 3520, or email us at <info[at]osso.nl>. If it concerns an open source project at GitHub, we try to reply to reported issues there too.

Data Protection Officer [Functionaris Gegevensbescherming]

Do you have data leaks to report? Are you looking for information about the data _we_ store? Contact our DPO, Walter Doekes, at <fg[at]osso.nl> or +31 (0)50 210 4525.

Security issue?

As mentioned in /.well-known/security.txt we take security issues seriously, no matter which channel you use to contact us. For highly confidential information, feel free to use our PGP key provided at https://download.osso.pub/security@osso.nl.pgp.txt when sending mail to <security[at]osso.nl>.